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Wirausaha KAMMI

Upgrade Your Knowledge and Skills with KAMMI

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Kesatuan Aksi Mahasiswa Muslim Indonesia


KAMMI adalah wadah perjuangan permanen yang akan melahirkan kader-kader pemimpin dalam upaya mewujudkan bangsa dan negara Indonesia yang Islami


  • Membina keIslaman, keimanan, dan ketaqwaan mahasiswa muslim Indonesia.
  • Menggali, mengembangkan, dan memantapkan potensi dakwah, intelektual, sosial, politik, dan kemandirian ekonomi mahasiswa.
  • Memelopori dan memelihara komunikasi, solidaritas, dan kerjasama mahasiswa Indonesia dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan bangsa dan negara.
  • Mencerahkan dan meningkatkan kualitas masyarakat Indonesia menjadi masyarakat yang rabbani, madani, adil, dan sejahtera.
  • Mengembangkan kerjasama antar elemen bangsa dan negara dengan semangat membawa kebaikan, menyebar manfaat, dan mencegah kemungkaran (amar ma`ruf nahi munkar).

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Pengalaman mereka bersama KAMMI

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Zaky Ahmad Riva'i
Ketua Umum PP KAMMI

KAMMI adalah gerbang bagi Mahasiswa kreatif, inovatif, dan kontributif. KAMMI senantiasa mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai keislaman dan kebangsaan. Mari tumbuh bersama KAMMI dan bersama merawat Indonesia

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Gabung KAMMI

Upgrade Your Knowledge and Skills with KAMMI

Segera hubungi kami dan jadilah keluarga besar KAMMI

175 Pengurus Wilayah
955 Pengurus Daerah
4187 Pengurus Komisariat
5259 Kader
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FaQ Questions

Pertanyaan yang sering diajukan

Learning management system, combines a wide range of features to present a class setting without having the students come into a physical classroom. It all depends on the WordPress plugin you go with, but in general.
Learning management system, combines a wide range of features to present a class setting without having the students come into a physical classroom. It all depends on the WordPress plugin you go with, but in general.
Learning management system, combines a wide range of features to present a class setting without having the students come into a physical classroom. It all depends on the WordPress plugin you go with, but in general.
Learning management system, combines a wide range of features to present a class setting without having the students come into a physical classroom. It all depends on the WordPress plugin you go with, but in general.
Learning management system, combines a wide range of features to present a class setting without having the students come into a physical classroom. It all depends on the WordPress plugin you go with, but in general.
Learning management system, combines a wide range of features to present a class setting without having the students come into a physical classroom. It all depends on the WordPress plugin you go with, but in general.
Learning management system, combines a wide range of features to present a class setting without having the students come into a physical classroom. It all depends on the WordPress plugin you go with, but in general.
Learning management system, combines a wide range of features to present a class setting without having the students come into a physical classroom. It all depends on the WordPress plugin you go with, but in general.
Learning management system, combines a wide range of features to present a class setting without having the students come into a physical classroom. It all depends on the WordPress plugin you go with, but in general.
Learning management system, combines a wide range of features to present a class setting without having the students come into a physical classroom. It all depends on the WordPress plugin you go with, but in general.
Learning management system, combines a wide range of features to present a class setting without having the students come into a physical classroom. It all depends on the WordPress plugin you go with, but in general.
Learning management system, combines a wide range of features to present a class setting without having the students come into a physical classroom. It all depends on the WordPress plugin you go with, but in general.
Learning management system, combines a wide range of features to present a class setting without having the students come into a physical classroom. It all depends on the WordPress plugin you go with, but in general.
Learning management system, combines a wide range of features to present a class setting without having the students come into a physical classroom. It all depends on the WordPress plugin you go with, but in general.
Learning management system, combines a wide range of features to present a class setting without having the students come into a physical classroom. It all depends on the WordPress plugin you go with, but in general.
Learning management system, combines a wide range of features to present a class setting without having the students come into a physical classroom. It all depends on the WordPress plugin you go with, but in general.